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Questions | Our FAQ helps you with your questions about Mom in Balance | Mom In Balance
Mom In Balance


  • Are you totally convinced that our workout program is what you need? YES! You can sign on via our website. Just fill out the registration form here. You can download this form when you've completed your registration. You will also receive a confirmation by email.

    Choosing the most suitable workout program is usually quite simple. But if you are not sure because you, physically, feel that you are in between different phases, you can always contact us for personal advice. You can easily switch to another workout program or change your membership in your Member account.

    We aim to work with regular groups to ensure an optimal workout experience, but a more flexible training schedule on different days is possible if this suits you better. You start with choosing a regular workout day during the week, but you can just as easily swap your workouts in your Member account. 

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