The advantages of exercising during pregnancy
When you are pregnant, your body is in charge of healthily growing your baby for nine months. A hefty task that requires energy, focus,...
When you are pregnant, your body is in charge of healthily growing your baby for nine months. A hefty task that requires energy, focus,...
更多信息Are you curious to see what a workout looks like? Watch our video here.
更多信息Have you delivered your baby, and do you want to start exercising again? There are a few things to keep in mind. You can read them in this...
更多信息Are you curious to see what a Mpower workout looks like? Watch here our video.
更多信息During and after your pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles play an important role. In this article, we will tell you about the functions of the...
更多信息Regularly we share tips in our newsletter. Here you will find all the tips in a row, get inspired!
更多信息During a healthy pregnancy, you can keep exercising right up to your delivery. Moreover, it is advisable to keep active and maintain your...
更多信息Returning to running or higher intensity activity can be a daunting challenge for women who
have had children three months ago, or even three...
Six weeks after delivery, if the gynaecologist or midwife gives you the green light, you can start getting back into your sports routine....