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Lynda Lou Yang Han Ning | Mom In Balance
Mom In Balance

Lynda Lou Yang Han Ning

Always curious to try different sports and activities, it helps me to explore what my body is capable of and its limits. Whilst i enjoy being outdoor, Ocean has a special place in my heart.
Mother Ocean provides the calmness I need and the fun I seek. Anyone knows what is Blue Mind Theory?

Favorite sports:
Besides yoga, which include SUPyoga, acroyoga and aerial yoga. I also enjoy surfing, swimming, freediving, skating and rock-climbing. You can call me an adrenalin junkie!

Sports goal:
Working on my body's mobility and maintaining my cardio endurance.
Continue to explore the limitations and possibilities of the human body.
Love your body, its shape and the ability to moooooove!

Guilty pleasure:
Chocolate and nuts!!


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